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Message From Ibrahim Knight

"Thank you for visiting our website. My hope is that if you have not found anything useful then you will at least have been entertained.

For me, acting and education are two ends of a spectrum, since they both involve interaction and exchange.

It is through education that we share knowledge about our world, but it is through storytelling that we share our experience of it.

We are all, in a sense, characters in the theatre of our own lives. The experiences we’ve had, good or bad, and the people we have known, make an indelible impression on the way we perceive the world.

This is why, for me, acting isn't a choice, it is a necessity; for what are we without our stories?

I encourage all those who visit this site either to take the time out to enjoy the stories we have shared, or better yet, to try their hand at their own. You never know what you might find on the paper by the end...


All the best,






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